Act of Donation Forms LouisianaAct of Donation
To donate a thing or right to another person is to transfer
such thing or right to another person without an exchange or payment. In other
words it is the giving of something to another without receiving anything of
value in return. It is purely gratuitous. A donation is made either between two living persons (known as
a donation inters vivos) or a donation made after death ( known as a donation
mortis causa). A donation inter vivos ( one between living persons) is
completed when the gift of the thing or right is accepted by the Donee (the person
receiving the thing or right). In Louisiana some donations may be made without the
necessity of a formal writing. However, even when a written document is not required it is often
easier to have the donation memorialized in writing. By memorializing the
donation in writing and as an authentic act there is a clear intent to transfer the thing or
right and the Donee, for all intents and purposes, has a receipt to prove to
others that he is the rightful owner of the thing or right.
The following Act of Donations are available from Smith & John: If you desire to obtain an Act of Donation or other legal services from Smith
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